Day of the Dead Ceremony : Solid Screening in Kyogle 2022

Marking Dia de los Muertos, thankyou for joining us in the gathering spirit for a Solid Screening of Indigenous short films curated by Jenny Fraser. It was good to have a yarn and raise a glass in joyful tribute of our loved ones in the Spirit World. 

Dress: It was great that community showed up, dressed for a spooky Mexico-style Photo Shoot, and also brought flowers. Congratulations to those who won best dressed prizes. 

2pm - 4pm Sunday 30 October 2022 at Roxy Gallery, Kyogle, Northern Rivers Bundjalung Country. free! (see below for more detail)

Screening : 

Pulelehua by Phoenix Maimiti Valentine (Hawaii) 2019

- As evident as the metamorphosis of a butterfly (Pulelehua), or flowers in bloom, LOVE transforms! 'Pulelehua' is made in honor of Hawai'i's Beloved Queen Liliuokalani, who was inspired by nature & encouraged her Kingdom to live Aloha. ‘Pulelehua' is created from the perspective of a Monarch Butterfly on it's favorite Crown Flower, as Queen Lili‘uokalani smiles in adoration.

Eelemarni : the story of Leo and Leva by Lorraine Mafi-Williams (Australia) 1988

- The legend of Leo and Leva is told by the contemporary custodian of their story's site – singer and storyteller Millie Boyd. This is a dramatised documentary based on an Aboriginal tribal legend from Bundjalung Country in the Northern Rivers region of NSW.

WARNING: Aboriginal viewers are warned that the Eelemarni fil includes footage of deceased persons. 

pictured here: Millie Boyd in Eelemarni : the story of Leo and Leva.

Semilla (The Seed) by Pepe Perruccio 2017.                                              In a Mayan community in the East of the Yucatan state in Mexico, a transnational company that distributes highly toxic agrochemicals manipulates families to carry out modern practices in the milpa. Jacinto an 11 yearold child victim of the use of agrochemicals will try to return his family to the traditions his grandparents used to make the milpa    
* Semilla (The Seed) was presented in a partnership between Kayche Festival in Mexico, and Solid Screen Festival in Australia.


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2016 SOLID SCREEN Festival Gold Coast * Australasia Pacific